Canadian Trappers Talk Forum

Wahbush: Taw vs. tan
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Author:  Markster [ Sat Aug 17, 2024 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Wahbush: Taw vs. tan

Hey wahbush,

Couple questions…

I see video’s online that use the mckenzie system to tan hides for taxidermy.
In both your technique and the mckenzie system the main thing to watch is the ph of the pickle.
(Does the means of achieving that ph really matter that much?)

Your system that you called a taw has a tan step that uses a higher ph bath for a few days followed by a oiling where the mck system omits this step and uses a tanning oil after the neutralizer.

If i wanted to have a tanned fur for a hat, lets say, or gloves, what are the drawbacks of one system vs. The other?

Author:  wahbush [ Tue Nov 12, 2024 9:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wahbush: Taw vs. tan

Just seen this.
A taw is not an actual tan like chrome or veg.
A mineral tan(aluminum sulfate and salt) can leach out when subjected to moisture like sweat or water.Also if not neutralized,acids or salts left in the leather makes it hygroscopic and it will get damp or clammy in high humidity,which causes acid rot in the skin over time.
If you want an actual garment tan re tan the tawed skin within a couple months with chrome,synthetic,(complexed aluminum) or veg (organic tannin)

Author:  Markster [ Tue Nov 12, 2024 10:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Wahbush: Taw vs. tan

Are these three different tanning methods something that can easily be done at home similar to your other process?

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