Canadian Trappers Talk Forum

Best to email.
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Author:  BillD [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Best to email.

Hi all:

I was emailed with a question as to why the executive does not respond to questions posted here in a timely matter. So here is an explanation;
As you may or may not know, I do not spend a lot of time on the forum or in checking it. Another reason that we do not monitor it as closely as some think we should is it is not the CNTA's forum but rather attached to our website. We do not have any say to the forum or its content, we do with the website as that is ours. The forum is privately owned and operated by Ranger. He has been an asset to the CNTA and has provided us with free web service and I am sure you all agree he has done an exceptional job. The Website and Forum are linked together for convenience and has served the trappers well and we can take pride in the work he has done for us at absolutely no cost to the CNTA and we truly appreciate all that he has done. For these reasons if you would like a timely response to any answers I strongly suggest that you either PM or, preferably email one of the executive directly.

I only write this so you can understand how things work, and we do not want any members of the CNTA thinking we are not willing to respond to our membership.
Bill Davies

Author:  lotsofmink [ Thu Jan 20, 2011 8:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Best to email.

Ranger this site rocks, thanks alot man.

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