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 Post subject: Pet avoidence
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:02 pm 
Veteran Fur Harvester
Veteran Fur Harvester

Joined: Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:21 pm
Posts: 1029
Location: Wallace Nova Scotia
Province/State: Nova Scotia
City/Town: Wallace
Organization Membership: Trappers Association of Nova Scotia
Every so often the topic about accidential captured pets come up. Different states and a few provinces have systems or regulations in place to avoid this as much as possiable. I am wondering if this topic could be placed in the board index as a quick reference to trappers so that they can see what others do. As it stands its either a repeat topic or go back and search to see whats been said.

 Post subject: Re: Pet avoidence
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:45 pm 
Veteran Fur Harvester
Veteran Fur Harvester

Joined: Wed Feb 03, 2010 10:16 pm
Posts: 405
Province/State: 150 mile house bc
City/Town: british columbia
I find the easiest way to avoid pets is whenever i see a person on my line walking a dog i stop and let them know their on an active trap line, normally they are very pleasant. but if you are trapping around civilization catching the odd dog is inevidble, sucks but it happens. I have snared a few dogs which for the most part were unharmed then brought them to the SPCA and just told them wut happened didn't give my name but got the dogs back to the owners. Bottom line is if people let their dog's run deer or walk them with out a leash on an active trap line that's their problem not mine!!

 Post subject: Re: Pet avoidence
PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2012 11:08 pm 
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Joined: Mon Nov 03, 2008 12:17 pm
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A short while ago I wrote and article for the BC Trapper magazine on the Regulations, Trapper Ethics, and avoiding potential conflict with pets. May be good for the next CNTA Magazine and to post here.

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"It's what you learn after you know it all that really counts."

 Post subject: Re: Pet avoidence
PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:38 pm 
Veteran Fur Harvester
Veteran Fur Harvester

Joined: Tue Nov 15, 2011 11:21 pm
Posts: 137
Province/State: Ontario
City/Town: Midland
Organization Membership: Simcoe County Trappers Council, Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters, Canadian National trappers Alliance
Great topic cumbtrapper

Unfortunately you see too many people giving advice to use the S.S.S. approach. This is not the proper approach. I trap in an area where there are farm houses and neighbouring houses. I have never had a problem speaking with the neighbours and letting them know that I am trapping in a specific area and requesting that they keep there dog tied up. Most of the time I get compliance. If I don't there is nothing I can do about it. This doesn't mean I can't trap on that specific property. If I am putting out coon sets I use DP traps or I use boxes that are 6 to 8 inches off of the ground or use boxes on running pole sets. I avoid setting foot hold sets because of obvious reasons. I usually just move down the road a ways and get permission on another piece of property and set the foot hold sets on that property where the same coyotes roam but the dogs don't go. The last thing we need as trappers is catching someones dog, wether the dog is loose and in contravention of municipal by-laws or not. Although we have 24 hr trap check laws we can not be at those sets 24/7 and if someone sees a dog caught in that set wether its the dog owner or somebody else, we as trappers as whole lose. The word will spread like wildfire and we will all lose potential properties in the future. I believe that we have a duty to avoid these conflicts as best as we can. Can incidental catches happen absolutely they can but if we do our best to avoid these conflicts the future of our sport our passion will be alot more secure. I am a firm believer and have witnessed it, that these people who let there dogs roam free will one day be calling upon your services because their dog has had some interaction with a wild animal because there animal running free and they will then understand a little better. Food for thought. Great topic.


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